When the group of teddies destroyed Dora, small
small crawling creatures came out of Dora’s body. They had the same cruelty of
Dora. They wanted to destroy teddy land, but they were so tiny and had no

Teddies noticed wired crawling creatures here and there and thought
that these kinds of creatures are new; they had never seen those kinds of
creatures before in Teddy Land. So teddies thought of destroying them. Head of
miniature group heard teddies discussing that, he called a meeting of
miniatures to discuss about the problem. They started their secret meeting and
came up with a plan that they will be leaving Teddy Land tonight and they will
come back once they become very powerful and destroy Teddy Land. They decided
to go to woods and hide themselves there till they become powerful. Ani and Adi
started thinking how to destroy those miniatures? They decided that they would
not kill them because they do not know that those creatures are really harmful.
They decided to make miniatures unconscious; as they become unconscious they
will collect miniatures and leave them in woods.
Ani started preparing a
medicine using herbs that will make miniatures unconscious without harming
them. Adi decided to mix that medicine with honey and keep those bowls here and

Teddies started with there work that evening, the bowls of medicines
were ready within no time. Group of teddies decided the areas and they left to
respective areas with the bowls of medicine. As it was decide they placed the
bowls all over teddy land. There was a meeting of miniatures again at night in
which their head informed them that they are ready to leave Teddy Land now and
gave some strict instructions that they have to be in a group and they should
not eat anything in Teddy Land and promised them that he will be arranging a
feast for them once they reach woods. All of them agreed for that. Head made
groups of five miniatures and instructed them to be together. They were totally
150 miniatures. Head lead the way and other miniature groups followed him. As
they started moving they saw bowls of yummy yummy honey, some of them could not
resist and started having it in spite of their head’s warning. Many miniatures
became unconscious and remaining followed their head. In the mean time some of
them became food of frogs.

They reached a safe place and head started counting,
there were only 10 miniatures remaining. Head became sad, but he did not leave
the hope of destroying Teddy Land. He thought we are 10 miniature army and we
are enough to destroy Teddy Land. On the other hand Ani, Adi and other teddies
saw miniatures unconscious: Adi instructed some teddies to collect those
miniatures in poly bag and leave them in woods. Those teddies said yes in front
of Adi but they did not want to take any risk because they had seen 2 monsters
like DIMORI and DORA, so they decided to throw those miniatures in sea. They
did the same and those miniatures were dead in no time. The team of 10 started
preparation; on the other hand teddies were happy that they are away from
danger. The team of 10 named their team as “Terrific Troublers”. Head of the
group had some ideas; accordingly they started growing some man eating plans
like Venus Fly Trap. Miniatures were so tiny that the animals in the woods
started calling the Lilliput’s.

There was a monster named “Kirki” in the same
woods. Kirki was a fox, he knew all bad black magic’s and bad things. He always
wanted to do bad things with the power he had. Head of Terrific Troublers
approached Kirki, he told Kirki that they would take care of Kirki’s food for
his life time if he would help him. He offered nicest meat of the forest along
with some wild and juicy fruits.
Kirki became very happy and gave them his word
that he will be helping them. They started their plan; Kirki told head that he
will be helping them to grow so large that they will be as 10 times taller and
100 times stronger than the largest animal of the forest, but for that: 6
months of time is required. Head agreed for that and asked kirki to give small
small troubles to teddies. Kirki asked him 5 days time, within that time he
started preparing a powder along with that he started giving a big scoop of
chanted liquid to each of miniatures every day. Miniatures started feeling
stronger, on the 5th day kirki called head and gave him the powder
and informed head to mix that with water and spray it on the crops of teddies.

Head called his friend Virun vulture and explained him his plan, miniatures
made cups out of big banana leaves and filled that liquefied powder in those
cups. Those cups were in turn carried by group of Virun's friends. They reached
farms of teddy land at night and spilled it all over the crops, when teddies ate
those grains they started feeling weird and that was followed by sever stomach
ache. Teddies became furious about that and took that matter to Ani, she knew
medication for that: she prepared a herbal soup and gave it to the teddies who
were suffering from pain. Within an hour all teddies were back to normal, but
none of them could rest in peace especially Ani and Adi. Meantime Terrific Troublers
thought of another idea: Head informed Terrific Troublers to shift those animal
eating plants to the garden in front of the castle, but the challenge was, if
they go near those plants those plants would eat them and if they remove the plants
from mud plants would die. Head came to Kirki for the help, Kirki gave some
dead insects to head and told keep these insects in front of the plants as soon
as they eat it they would sleep for 2 hours and they would not die in that time
within which you have to finish your work. Now miniatures have grown that tall
and strong that they could carry those plants. Terrific Troublers followed the
instructions of Kirki. As plants fell asleep, they carried those plants to the
garden in front of the castle and planted them there.

Lulu and Lola were playing in garden; they were
attracted by those strange and unique plants. They wanted to explore the plants;
they went near the plants admiring them. Lulu the rabbit was 10 steps ahead of
Lola the deer; within no time that plant opened its mouth and ate Lulu. Lulu
started screaming with pain for help, Lola was dumbstruck by the situation but
it overcame the shock and acted smart; because it had to pull lulu out of that
plants mouth before it closes its mouth completely. Lola started running
through the garden screaming, it found a rope near the well. Listening Lola screaming
Ani and Adi came running, meantime Lola put the rope in the plants mouth with
the great difficulty lulu held it tight because of the sticky substance inside
the plant's stem Lulu was shrinking; still Lulu tried hard not to leave the rope.
Lola was pulling the rope, within no time Adi and Ani analyzed the situation
and started pulling the rope. Lulu was freed from the clutches of that plant;
they gave Lulu water and some carrots. Lulu was ok, they went inside the
castle. Ani and Adi were too much worried now; first of all they had to get rid
of those plants but how? They went to the library of their castle, it was a
very big library there were millions of books in that library. Ani and adi
started to search for a book in which they could get an idea of how to destroy
those animal eating plants. After researching for 2 days they got a solution in
the book, it stated that “They have to grow some unicellular organisms and
leave them on the plants”, within two days the plants will dry and they will be
dead: it was clearly mentioned in the book that these unicellular organisms
will only harm those animal eating plants they won't harm any other plants or

There was a procedure in that book itself to grow those unicellular
organisms: hey had to peel out the dead skin of white onion and cut the remaining
part in circular fashion after that put a pinch on asafetida on those cut
onions then put half cup on vinegar then close it in a tight container, keep it
overnight. Next day morning place the container near the plants, plant can't
see those organisms because they are unicellular and these organisms would
start their work and destroy the plants in 2 days. Ani followed the instructions;
with Adi's help she prepared the container. Adi found an empty log, placed that
lid free container in the log and pushed it towards the plants. The idea worked
and plants were dried and dead in two days, but Adi and Ani are sleepless they
wanted to know the reason behind all these things. As a precaution they weaved
some nets and laid traps in the outskirts of teddy land and stated searching
for the clues. On the other side miniatures and Kirki had another plan to
trouble teddies. Within 10 days the span of 6 months would be over and
miniatures would become very strong as they wanted, their head planned to send
a group of wolfs and cause some more trouble to teddy land and he did so.

wolfs were very cruel, that night wolfs set to teddy land they were unaware of
the traps they were caught in traps as they tried to enter the teddy land.
Teddy land was once again saved by the thinking of the sweet couple, but now
all the teddies were really scared they wanted to know who is behind this but
there was not a single clue to find it out. Teddies started to prepare themselves
for the unexpected attacks. They prepared many bows and arrows, Net traps, Axes,
Barrels of mud water, a stand to hold those barrels and so many things. They
are almost ready for any unexpected attack now, but they never knew that this
attack may take their lives. Miniatures are not miniatures now; they have
become monsters as they wanted. It is the 10th day and now they are
ready to attack teddy land, but Kirki warned them about one go their weakness
that they should not touch water, if they touch they would become tiny again means
they would go back to their original form. Teddies are ready for an unexpected
attack and the army of miniatures is also ready. They took the blessings of Kirki
and started their march towards teddy land. A member of teddy land came running
to the castle and informed about the monsters heading towards their town.

and adi gathered courage and they informed all the teddies of teddy land to gather
near castle for war, in no time teddies were ready to attack. Monsters arrived
in front of them; teddies were horrified by their appearance. Before teddies
could act: head of Terrific Troublers stated that they are here to take the
revenge of Dora and they are her children because they came out of her body.
Head came in front to caught Ani teddy at the same time Adi and other teddies
started throwing stones and eggs on those monsters but that was in vain.
Monsters started shooing teddies as if they are small flies they use to catch
teddies in hand and then hit them on the ground. 4 miniatures stepped on the
water puddle unknowingly and they were transformed to their original miniature
size but none of the teddies saw this as they were busy fighting, but they came
to know that 4 monsters are missing. Adi and ani attacked the head and
remaining teddies attacked remaining monsters. Teddies used their powerful axes
to fight, but there was not even a single scratch on monsters, While fighting
Adi and Ani along with the head entered garden an other teddies were in front
of the castle. Adi was deeply hurt in that fighting but still he was supporting
Ani to fight. Monster was moving in the backward direction while fighting, there
was a thorny bush in front of the well unknowingly that monster kept his leg on
the bush, he screamed with the
pain, Ani acted smart at that
situation and used her axe to cut his middle toe.
Monster lost his balance due to pain n he fell in the well with water. That
creature is no more a monster now, he has turned into a miniature and is dead. Adi
and ani understood the logic behind it, that if the monsters touch water they
will become miniatures. Ani left Adi under the tree to rest and she headed
towards the battle field. Ani informed other teddies to throw that mud water
which is in the barrel towards the monsters. Teddies followed her instructions,
as teddies started throwing water towards them the monsters became alert and
started running. 4 monsters were trapped, they have turned into miniatures.
Teddies caught hold of those miniatures and killed them. One monster was trying
to escape, but Ani got a water pipe from the garden and she started running
behind the monster.
Finally she was successful in sprinkling water on that monster; in turn teddies caught hold of it and killed it. Adi was feeling good by the
time, he managed to reach battle field and was
happy to see that all the
monsters killed. He wholeheartedly thanked Ani and other teddies for their
courage and help; he praised Ani, without whom this victory was not possible.
Everybody in the teddy land praised Ani's courage. All were happy and they
started their preparation to put up a fair in teddy land to enjoy their
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