There was an Oak tree named OTO who was very attractive, he was very big and he was spread across a kilometer. One special nature he had was, he could speak.
Many animals, birds and people were attracted by its beauty, but nobody would dare to go near him because of his horrible nature. He never used to allow anyone to come near him. If any bird comes to take shelter, he would shake his branches in such a way that the birds are hurt physically.
If any animal comes to eat his leaves, he would scold them like anything and lift the branches up, so that the animals could never reach the leaf.
If any pedestrian wants to relax in his shadow, he would never allow them to sit under him. He would take all his branches up in such a way that his shadow never reaches earth.
Every individual was unhappy about Oto’s behavior. Everyone stopped speaking to him.
Oto used to enjoy watching children playing in his surroundings, if they come near him or if their ball hits Oto by mistake he used to scold them like anything. Children were very scared of Oto, they changed their play ground.
Oto also enjoyed watching people laughing and talking on their way. If they come near him, he could not tolerate: he would throw his twigs and fruits at them. People used to run for their life.
Even people changed their way. They never used to come near Oto. Even animals were afraid of him, they also stopped going near him.
Oto started feeling lonely, as no one used to come in the surroundings, he was feeling all alone. But he did not change his adamant nature. One day a group of migrating birds were flying that way. By looking at the richness of Oto they thought of resting on him for a while before they proceed further. As they came and sat on him, Oto felt happy, nut his adamant nature did not allow him to be quite. He started shaking his branches and scolded birds badly. He shooed birds by telling “Is this your property? Without my permission how can you sit on me? Go away from me”.
Birds felt bad, they apologized him and flew away. Despite of being so lonely, his nature did not change. He always wished that people should go near him, but never used to tolerate if someone goes near him.
That night was a stormy night, wind was blowing very fast and even Oto could not resist that. There were heavy rains with thunder and lightning. A family was stuck in that storm, they saw Oto and they were little relaxed that they could take shelter under him.
Family came near Oto. Oto scolded them very badly and did not allow them to take his shelter. Family was scared by Oto’s behavior and stared moving ahead. In a while, they were hit by lightening and everyone was deeply hurt.
Oto felt very bad after this incident, but he thought: it’s not my mistake, who told them to come out of their home in a stormy night?
A cloud was witnessing all these things, she thought Oto is going against nature of trees and a lesson should be taught to him.
She called her cloud friends and explained them her plan. They stopped pouring rain on him. Oto could not understand what is going on. It happened continuously. Oto started feeling weak day by day. Nobody was there to water him, as he never allowed anyone near him.
He was not able to get water from his roots also because of weakness. He started feeling sick, his leaves were dry and they were falling. Within a short span he was without leaves and completely dry. He started turning grey from brown.
One fine day a small kid playing near Oto saw him; he felt pity on him and watered him. He informed his friends also. All kids started watering him. By looking at kid’s enthusiasm even adults started helping them. They used to manure Oto, water him and take a good care of him in spite of his rude behavior.
Even birds and animals joined their hands. In short duration, he started turning brown from grey and there were small small leaves on his branched.
Every one continued to take Oto’s care. In some time Oto became healthy, he was completely green.
He was very much guilty for what he has done. He could not speak to any one due to guilt. People thought of leaving him alone as he is healthy now. They started going away from Oto. Oto started crying; he wanted to stop them but could not because of guilt. By that time, cloud came and stopped every one. Cloud started scolding Oto for his bad behavior; she also told him that it was her plan to teach him a lesson.
Oto thought Cloud is right. Cloud continued, she told people that Oto is changed now and he does not want you people to leave him.
With the heavy voice Oto started speaking, he told that he is extremely sorry for what he has dome. He apologized everyone and asked them whether they can forgive him. He continued, I want birds to make nests on me, animals to eat my leaves and fruits, people to take shelter in my shade and children to play with me and near me. Will you do it?
Everyone started clapping and screaming, all were happy that Oto is changed. Oto embraced everyone with his branches.
He also thanked Cloud whole heatedly without whom he could ever get the happiness.
That was the end of his adamant nature. He understood that being helpful and caring is the key to

Image Source: Google
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