Teddies thought that they can be happy hereafter the trouble maker is no
They started farming; they used to grow many crops like fruits, veggies,
grains and so many things. Within a month they had to harvest their crops. Everybody
was excited. They arranged thanks giving ceremony to gods, because god helped
them in many ways always. There was a fest in teddy land - A feast food was getting
ready in castle's kitchen, even Lulu and Lola were helping servants to
prepare feast food. They prepared so many things; Wine was also prepared as it
was the major stuff of feast.
The royal buffet was ready Sharp at 8 pm.
As usual the feast was awesome all teddies were enjoying the feast, mean
time there was a discussion. Teddies were asking Adi's suggestion to harvest
crops they wanted to know which crop to harvest first. At the end of the
discussion Adi suggested them to harvest paddy first. Other teddies prepared
themselves for that. Next day morning all teddies were ready to harvest paddy
and they were waiting for Adi and Ani, as they arrived their group started
moving towards paddy fields. They arrived at paddy field but there was a shock
waiting for them there. Paddy field is destroyed. They started thinking about
the reason of destruction, yesterday there was no rain, no storms nothing, but
still the crop is destroyed. No body
knew the reason.
Meanwhile Dora was very happy. Dora ... DIMORI's sister. She was crueler than DIMORI. She looked terribly cruel - Her face was like dragon and body was like snake. She was 100 times bigger than DIMORI. She wanted to take revenge for her brother. As its first step she destroyed paddy crops. She had a unique feature that she could turn into anything she wishes. Using this boon she used to turn into different creatures and get to know the plans of teddies. She used to use this power to turn herself as a tiny creature and wander near castle so that she can get to know the plans of teddies.
Next day teddies thought of plucking watermelons from their farm, but
again everything was destroyed. Adi and Ani thought that there is someone who
is listening to us and doing this misdeed but they had no clue of DIMORI's
sister Dora.
Adi and Ani thought of trapping the culprit. They
planned to pluck cabbage the next day. As expected Dora was listening to their
plans in the disguise of chameleon. Adi and ani used their magical power to
make themselves invisible and were waiting for the culprit in the field. At
night when everybody was asleep they saw an ugly creature flying towards the
fields. Yes Dora had wings as well.
Adi and Ani were shocked. They tried stopping her by aiming many arrows
using their bows. As she was very strong they couldn't stop her, but Adi in a
loud voice asked Dora that who is she and what for she has come? She could not
see Adi because he was invisible. She thought somebody is trying to scare her
so she adamantly told that I m Dora DIMORI's sister and I have come to destroy
teddy land as my brother's revenge and no body can harm me and she flew away.
Adi and Ani now understood who she is and why is she so troublesome.
They came back to the castle and started thinking that how to get rid of her. They thought and thought and finally came up with a conclusion of fighting with her using their magical powers, but Adi and Ani never knew that their powers are very less compared to the wicked powers of Dora. They thought of challenging her the next day. They made a plan and told other teddies to prepare two big axe's, other teddies agreed for that
and prepared axe's as per the instructions given to them. Citizens of
teddy land were very much sacred about it because this battle could take away
the lives of their beloved. Adi and Ani still convinced them somehow. Next day
as expected she was in sugarcane field, Adi and Ani came in front of her and
challenged her. Dora accepted it readily, she knew that she could destroy the
teddy gang in no time. Other teddies were also ready with their bows and arrows
for the battle.
Battle started - She knew that teddy gang is very weak and they could not
harm her. That's why she thought of playing with them for sometime. She used to
become a huge dinosaur sometimes and sometimes a tiny little ant. Teddies were
unable to catch her.
Adi teddy decided to throw an open challenge. He grew up to the original size of Dora and challenged her. He said "Anybody can win the fight if they play hide and seek. If u are so dare and energetic come in your real form, fight with us and win". Dora got mad by the words of Adi and came to her original form and she told Adi that whatever you may do, you can never win on me. Ani also grew up to that huge size using her magic wand, but their other magical powers had no effect on Dora. Battle started - Ani and Adi used the axe's prepared by other teddies. Adi was standing in front of her and fighting where as Ani was near Dora's tail. Other teddies started aiming at Dora using their bows and arrows. But those arrows couldn't even make a scratch on her body. Ani decided to do something and she cut Dora's tail using her axe, but it was of no use as her tail grew again. Dora had a smile of victory after that, but still Ani tried it again, and again her tail grew. Mean time Adi started running,

Image Source: Google
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