Long long ago there was a farmer, who was very passionate about his work; he used to love his Farm and Nature. Farmer’s home was away from the village near forest. His had a cute little family of three him, his wife Nuri and their life – their daughter Dofi. Dofi was very cute and adorable, she was just 5. Their home had a pond in front with many Ducks, Water Lilies in it. They had so many pets like Cows, Sheep’s, Goats, Parrots, Pigeons, Peacocks and the list goes on. They had a beautiful creeper on their house in which pink mixed violet flowers used to blossom everyday, because of that their home looked Pink. Dofi used to call her home Pinky. She never had any human friends till that age, her pets and nature were her friends. She used to go along the forest, get some Fruits and Vegetables to cook for her Mom. She was life of her Parents.
One day Dofi was strolling along the forest, she could hear a voice asking for
help. She ran to help: she could see a Unicorn there with an arrow in his stomach, he was crying. As he saw Dofi, he humbly requested Dofi to remove that arrow from its stomach. Little Dofi was confused; she could not understand what was going on. She asked Unicorn: What has happened to you? Unicorn explained her that there is a big thorn in his stomach and asked her help to be free from that. Dofi could understand the situation now and agreed to help him. As soon as she removed that arrow from Unicorn’s stomach, it turned up to be a fairy and told her that he is a fairy and he has come to enjoy nature’s beauty. Fairy was overwhelmed by Dofi’s help and wished to grant her a boon. Dofi never knew what a boon is! Realizing the fact, fairy
gave her a power of becoming fairy whenever she wants and help people. Dofi had a pair of wings and a magical wand with her now, but poor Dofi could not understand what is happening to her and she was scared to the core.
She ran home and explained and in a single breath she explained everything to her parents. They were very happy on listening to this, but they were scared that if Dofi understands the meaning of help and wand’s magic, she will never stay with them; she would go in search of needy people and help them. By thinking all these Nuri was scared and she took away the wand from Dofi: as that wand was taken away from her, her wing disappeared and
she was asleep in no time. Dofi’s Parents thought of something and they placed magical wand in an iron box and they buried that box in their farm. Dofi forgot everything and started the next morning normally. She told her mom that, she saw a dream yesterday in which she had wings. Nuri tells Dofi not to think about that dream much and tells het to go and play with Ducks.
Next day when farmer visited his farm, he could see a sapling in the same place where that box was buried; the sapling was so adorable and would speak. Dofi was also there with her father. She was so happy looking at her new friend, but her Mom and Dad were worried. In spite of everything sapling’s and Dofi’s friendship was very strong. Sapling used to tell her to water him when he was hungry. She used to put new new veggies around sapling for his nutrition. All kids and people of that village were attached to that sapling;
they used to share their sorrows with sapling and sapling used to give solutions to their problems in no time. The bond between Dofi and sapling was so intense that she used to spend many nights in farm itself with sapling.
There was a bud in sapling which used to speak with Dofi, as she grew up; bud also started growing up. Dofi used to take utmost care of that bud so that no cattle should come and gaze it. She had put some logs and straws together to make a small hut for that bud, so that it is protected from scorching sunlight and heavy rain. She decorated that hut with beautiful creepers. As days passed bud grew up in size, Dofi and her lovely bud used to speak a lot. Dofi has joined school by then. After coming from school she directly used to go to farm to meet Mr. Buddie, yes this is the new name given by het to that bud. Her Mom used to tell her to be at home at least for half an hour, but Dofi never used to listen to her. She used to get her friends to Buddie to get their problems solved. Dofi had a friend named Roya, she was the daughter of a biggest business man. Suddenly there was a loss in their business and they started loosing all their wealth. Roya narrated her story to Dofi. All Dofi could do is to take Roya to Buddie. As they reached Buddie’s hut, he welcomed Roya and Dofi with a sweet smile and told Roya not to worry: he knows who is the culprit, because of whom their business

in drowning. Buddie asked Roya to get her father. She followed Buddie’s instructions and got her father. Buddie informed that the manager of their account section is very cunning and he is responsible for the loss. Roya’s father did not believe Buddie and told him that, the manager is very trust worthy and he is not the culprit. Buddie told him to trust his words and check the accounts and manager’s bank balance. Roya’s father followed Buddie’s instructions, he came to know about the real culprit and their problem was sorted out.Roya and her family whole heartedly thanked Dofi and Buddie. Days, months and years passed like this one fine day the Ducks of Dofi’s pond started falling sick, every kind of medication was done but in vain. The health of Ducks was deteriorating day by day. Dofi used to be very sad, she stopped visiting Buddie and used to

spend most of the time in treating Ducks. Buddie was very eagerly waiting for Dofi, he was missing her very much. One fine day when she visited Buddie he told her not to be away from him for so many days and he has missed her very badly. Dofi hugged Buddie and states crying, she told even I missed you very badly but could not visit him and told him the problems Ducks were going through. He tried to analyze the situation and told her there are some poisonous Mushrooms growing near the pond, because of that they are getting infected. He suggested Dofi to go home and remove those Mushrooms carefully and instructed her not to pluck Mushrooms from bare hand and also suggested her

to plant some Tulsi(Medicinal Plant) plants near pond, by the medicinal values of Tulsi they will recover soon. Dofi followed his instructions and everything was done as per Buddie’s instructions. Ducks started getting better, within two days Ducks started dancing in rain again. Dofi was very thankful to Buddie. Buddie and Dofi fell in love with each other; Dofi started spending more and more time with Buddie.
Nuri was worried about Dofi, she wanted to get Dofi married, but Dofi told in firm voice that she loves Buddie and she will only marry Buddie. Her parents were very much worried. They did not want their daughter to be all alone throughout the life. They locked Dofi in a room and started

searching for the groom. Dofi stopped eating; she could not sleep at night. She planned to escape from the room that night, with the help of her pets. She was successful in unlocking the door of her room. She ran to her Buddie. Buddie was about to die, because he did not see Dofi from many days. Dofi came, she hugged and kissed him. As she kissed the bud opened up and a handsome prince stood in front of her. They hugged each other. “Buddie was the gift of her innocence”. She took Buddie home and explained her
parents what happened. Her parents accepted Buddie whole heartedly and thought of getting them married. At that moment Unicorn fairy appeared in front of them and blessed them to be happy ever after.
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