Far far away there was a beautiful forest. The forest was covered with so many
green plants, trees and colorful flowers. Many parasites (those who grow on other plants or trees – they depend on their hosts body completely for food and shelter) like mushrooms, big big breeds of flowers, many animals and birds, beautiful waterfalls. There was one small part of the forest which was like heaven, every tiny plant to big trees could speak and the place was very colorful. That part of forest was like a feast for the eyes of nature lovers. That place was isolated, there was no intervention of humans, because of that reason the plants and animals of that place lived happily.
In that place a huge mushroom was there, under him his family was growing.

Plants and Animals of that place have named him UNCLE MUSHROOM. Animals and Birds used to come and sit with him hours together, they would get their problems solved and they would narrate him the things they did that day.
The atmosphere was very pleasant there; each and everybody of that place were friends. There was no fight in that place.
One day Chirpy a small blue bird came to Uncle Mushroom, she was flying fast and she was in hurry. She was banging here and there while flying. She came to Uncle Mushroom in a single breath and asked for his help. Uncle Mushroom instructed her to sit and relax for few minutes and then explain him what happened.
Chirpy said there is no time to relax I am loosing my eggs because of Pumb Python. Pumb was the only cunning fellow of that place. He loved troubling Plants and Animals of that place. Uncle Mushroom asked her to explain everything in detail.
She started – Me and my husband Chirpu struggled a lot and found a best place

to build our nest. The place where we have built our nest was very safe, but it is not safe now. Few days back I laid 5 eggs. Each day one, one egg is missing. I have only 2 eggs left in my nest now. Yesterday my third egg was stolen. As my second egg went missing, I and my husband thought finding the thief but in vain. Chirpu flew away to get food for the day, but I was determined and wanted to find the thief at any cost. I flew and sat on a branch from which my nest was clearly visible, within some time I saw Pumb climbing the tree. Initially I did not suspect him, but he climbed to the branch of my nest. There was a wicked smile on his face by looking at the eggs. I flew to my nest in no time, by that time he was holding an egg in his mouth. I requested him not to do so. I pleaded him, but he

did not listen to me. He took away the egg and threatened me that he will be eating remaining two eggs also in coming days. He has challenged me that I can not do anything but crying. I want to save my eggs, please help me Uncle Mushroom was her cry full words.
Uncle Mushroom started thing and he asked all Animals and Birds to gather. He narrated Chirpy’s story, every Animal and Bird readily agreed to help Chirpy.
Uncle Mushroom started explaining his plan. Main responsibility was given to
Scorpions, Crabs, Woodpecker, Rats, Pigs and Elephants. The tree readily agreed to help them in that plan.
Uncle Mushroom called Woodpecker and asked her to make several holes on the tree so that Scorpions and Crabs can come out of those holes and bite Pumb. He also asked Crabs and Scorpions to hide themselves in those holes and wait for his telepathy(Uncle Mushroom had a special power called telepathy, by using that he could speak to any Plant or Animal without any noise and could see them in that position) message. He continued, this is plan 1 and you can go to execute this
plan. Without a second thought Scorpions, Crabs and Woodpecker left to do their respective tasks.
I need the help of Rats and Pigs to execute my second plan. He started explaining his second plan, he asked Rats to did a pit surrounding the tree as Pumb starts climbing the tree and he told the head of Pigs to fill up that pit with muddy water, the mud should be in such a way that if he wants to get up from the pit, he should sink further. Animals of plan two hid themselves behind a large tree and were waiting for the arrival of Pumb.
For his plan three he asked Gajju Elephant’s help. Uncle Mushroom became sad while explaining plan three. He never wanted to hurt anyone. He wanted everybody to live happily. By thinking about the wellbeing of the Plants and Animals of that place he decided to kill Pumb with the help of Gajju. He asked Gajju to step on Pumb and kill him when he falls into the muddy pit. Each plan’s
team waited for the arrival of Pumb. Woodpecker has done her job and, Crabs and Scorpions were hiding in those holes. The members of plan two and plan three were hiding themselves behind big nearby trees. Uncle Mushroom was instructing them through telepathy.
On the other hand Pumb was very happy that he need not search for food, because food is waiting for him on the tree. He was singing in merry and heading towards the tree. He lifted his head and saw that there was neither Chirpy nor Chirpu in the nest. There were no limits to his endless joy. He started climbing the tree. There were some holes on the stem which was near to Chirpy’s nest. He noticed those but ignored and started climbing up. As he
reached near those holes, Scorpions and Crabs came out and they started biting Pumb. Unaware of this sudden attack Pumb lost his balance and fell in the muddy pit which was ready according to the plan. Pumb started moving here and there to get out of that muddy pit, instead he still sunk. Uncle Mushroom instructed Gajju to step on Pumb and kill him. Pumb was already hurt by sudden
attacks. As Gajju stepped on Pumb he cried in pain, Gajju’s step was on Pumb itself. Within sometime Pumb took his last breath.
There was a sigh of relief on Uncle Mushroom’s face. All Animals and Birds gathered near Uncle Mushroom, everybody were dancing in the joy of their victory.
Chirpy and Chirpu thanked everybody for helping them to save their family. They hugged and thanked Uncle Mushroom.
With the help of their bird friends Chirpy and Chirpu got loads and loads of sweet fruits for all animals and birds to thank them.
There was a big smile on Uncle Mushroom’s face by witnessing the place lively again.
Image Source: Google