Ani Adi Adventures - Demolishing DIMORI
Adi and Ani were sitting in their castle and thinking that they have got enough wealth by god's grace. How to help others with the wealth that they have was the major concern. Meantime Lola was playing in the terrace and it was severely injured while playing. As soon as Ani and Adi got to know about this they used escalator to reach the top floor of their castle. They went and saw Lola, she was severely injured and blood was flowing from her knees. They put band aid on her knee and pampered her, within no time Lola was felling better and she started running all over.
It was dinner time now, most delicious dishes were ready and there were separate seats for Lulu and Lola as well. Servants had an order by Ani Adi to give royal
treatment to Lulu and Lola. They used to take care of them like their kids. After their royal dinner they went to their respective rooms to sleep, but Adi was not sleepy at all. He started chatting with Ani, He was deeply hurt by seeing some poor teddies of teddy land and wanted to help them, because every now and then a monstrous dragon named DIMORI used to come and destroy their lands and homes. Even Ani agreed for that and informed the problems of their servants with deep concern, they were thinking about the solution mean time in the dream land.....
Adi and ani became fairies. They had wings and magical wand with them; they have got so many magical powers. Next day when they got up they were shocked by surprise. The dream had become reality: Yes, Ani and adi have become fairies now with so much energy, wand and wings. They thanked god for giving them such a nice opportunity to serve society.
They started making a solid plan to trap DIMORI.
Adi got a plan: He thought of making a net trap, a big net trap so that they can trap DIMORI in that as he knew DIMORI's pattern of destroying things, after destroying everything it used to jump into Honey River and pollute it.
Adi teddy formed a team, he told teddies to get dry creepers from the woods: Teddies did so. None of them knew how to weave trap, Ani teddy was master in weaving she taught it to teddies. They started weaving, days and days passed. They got more and more creepers from woods. DIMORI was 100 times bigger than
teddies. At one point in time all the creepers of forest are used, but the net was half done. All teddies started worrying about how to finish, Ani teddy gave them the idea of growing creepers and using them. But that much time was not there, Adi teddy remembered about their magical powers and wings. He suggested teddies to plant seeds: Using wings he flew over the land and within no time creepers grew up. Ani used her magical wand and dried all creepers. All teddies were happy now and resumed their work; at last the net trap was ready. They laid the trap at honey rivers bottom so that DIMORI can't see the trap, because
they knew DIMORI would definitely jump into Honey River to pollute it.
Everyone was happy in teddy land as they knew that their sorrows are going to end in a short span. They eagerly waited for DIMORI's next arrival. Meantime they wanted to celebrate a fest of joy, they decorated each and every street of teddy land with colored flags, glittering items. Each and every home in teddy land was
decorated like a cute bride, each and every street had so many food stalls as they started eating different kinds of foods. There were so many chat items like Pani Puri, Sev Puri, Masala Puri, Ragda Chat, they even had stalls of Noodles, Burgers, Pizzas, Sandwiches, Pastas, Sweets, Ice creams and many other things. There was no end for the joy of baby teddies because there were loads of games like Giant Wheel, Columbus, Tora Tora, many water games and so on. All the citizens of teddy land and baby teddies were enjoying to the fullest. But their enjoyment couldn’t last long. They heard a loud and wicked voice of DIMORI. He was coming near teddy land.

DIMORI had two big wings, big mouth from which it use to spill fire. DIMORI was 100 times bigger than teddies. As teddies heard its voice they started scattering they made sure that all baby teddies are in the castle. All other teddies hid behind castle. DIMORI started destroying the city; It became more cruel on observing that fest was going on there and destroyed each and every part of the teddy land. He destroyed big buildings by stamping on them and other things by the fire of his mouth. Everything in the teddy land was destroyed now, as usual DIMORI was happy so he came and jumped in Honey River.
DIMORI is trapped in Adi's plan, but now comes the tougher job; they had planned to pull that net trap and tie it to a big tree. All the teddies of teddy land together

tried and tried to pull the net but in vain. Ani got a plan and using her magic wand she made a pulley and attached it to a tree and put that trap's one side end on that pulley so that teddies can pull the trap easily. Meanwhile Adi flew on teddies with his magic wand, every teddy got power booster by this; they were very energetic now. They pulled the trap and tied it to the biggest branch of the tree, but the net trap was not so strong to hold DIMORI for long time. Adi and Ani

informed their fellow friends to put fire below the tied up DIMORI. Teddies followed their instructions; they got lots and lots of fire wood and saw DIMORI getting into ashes. They could not hear that Quirky noise, at last DIMORI was no more. They busted crackers and they jumpedin joy. Children started crying as soon as they realized that their fest was no more, but there was a surprise for the citizens of teddy land. There was a feast organized by Ani and Adi in there castle for them. It was arranged in the terrace of the castle, all teddies were over joyed. Baby teddies started jumping and playing with Lulu and Lola. All teddies were happy because they themselves got rid of the monster with the help of Ani and Adi. All teddies thanked Ani and Adi whole heartedly. Image Source: Google